Ant Repellent DIY Indoor Recipe

This ant repellent DIY indoor recipe uses common household ingredients to get rid of ants in your home without using chemicals.

Discovering a line of ants making their way into your home is never a pleasant sight. Depending on the species, they can range from being a mere annoyance to causing significant damage. However, resorting to harsh chemicals isn’t always necessary to deal with these unwelcome guests.

There are numerous DIY ant killer solutions that can effectively put a stop to their intrusion. What’s more, you likely already have all the necessary ingredients right in your kitchen.


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Borax Ant Poison Recipe Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of organic cane sugar (or brown sugar for a richer scent)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of Borax
  • 1 1/2 cups of warm filtered water
  • Cotton balls
  • A shallow dish or lid

How to Make Ant Repellent DIY Indoor Recipe

  1. Prepare the Mixture: In a mixing bowl, combine the organic cane sugar (or brown sugar) with the Borax. Stir the mixture well to ensure even distribution.
  2. Add Warm Water: Gradually pour the warm filtered water into the sugar and Borax mixture. Stir continuously until the sugar and Borax are completely dissolved in the water.
  3. Soak Cotton Balls: Place the cotton balls or small squares of cloth into the mixture. Allow them to soak for a few minutes to absorb the solution fully.
  4. Set up Bait Stations: Remove the soaked cotton balls or cloth pieces from the mixture and squeeze out any excess liquid. Place them in a shallow dish or lid.
  5. Strategic Placement: Put the bait stations near areas where you’ve seen ant activity. Focus on entry points, along ant trails, or near nests if you can locate them.
  6. Monitor and Replace: Check the bait stations regularly and replace them with fresh ones as needed. Ants should be attracted to the sugary scent and carry the Borax-laden solution back to their colony, effectively eliminating them over time.
  7. Safety Note: Keep the bait stations out of reach of children and pets. While Borax is relatively low in toxicity, it’s best to avoid direct contact or ingestion.

Safety Precautions When Using Borax Ant Repellent

Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a commonly used ingredient in DIY ant baits and other household cleaning solutions. While it’s generally considered safe when used properly, it’s essential to take some precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you when using this ant repellent diy indoor solution with borax.

  1. Keep Out of Reach of Children and Pets: Borax can be harmful if ingested in large quantities. Always store Borax and any products containing it in a secure location out of reach of children and pets.
  2. Avoid Direct Contact with Skin and Eyes: When handling Borax powder or solutions, wear gloves to prevent skin irritation. In case of accidental contact with eyes, flush thoroughly with water and seek medical attention if irritation persists.
  3. Use in Well-Ventilated Areas: When mixing or applying Borax solutions, ensure adequate ventilation in the area to prevent inhaling Borax dust or fumes.
  4. Follow Instructions Carefully: If using Borax-based products or following DIY recipes, carefully read and follow the instructions provided. Using too much Borax can be counterproductive and may not be more effective against ants.
  5. Dispose of Unused Mixtures Properly: Dispose of any unused Borax solutions responsibly, following local regulations for household hazardous waste disposal.
  6. Consider Alternatives: If you have concerns about using Borax, explore alternative methods for pest control and household cleaning. There are many natural and eco-friendly options available that can be just as effective.

By following these safety precautions, you can effectively utilize Borax while minimizing any potential risks to yourself, your family, and your pets. Always prioritize safety when using any household chemical or cleaning product.

Customize Your DIY Ant Repellent Indoor Solution

Experiment with these add-ins to create a unique and effective ant repellent DIY indoor solution tailored to your preferences. Remember to test the mixture in a small area first to ensure compatibility with your surfaces and to monitor its effectiveness in repelling ants.

  1. Citrus Peel: Save your citrus peels (lemon, orange, or lime) and add them to your repellent mixture. The strong citrus scent not only deters ants but also adds a refreshing aroma to your home.
  2. Black Pepper: Incorporate a pinch of ground black pepper into your repellent recipe. Ants find the pungent smell of pepper unappealing, making it an effective deterrent.
  3. Thyme or Lavender Essential Oil: Infuse your repellent with a few drops of thyme or lavender essential oil. Not only do these oils repel ants, but they also contribute a pleasant fragrance to your homemade solution.
  4. Cayenne Powder: For an extra kick, sprinkle a bit of cayenne powder into your repellent mixture. The spicy scent will discourage ants from entering your home while adding a touch of heat to your recipe.
  5. Vinegar: If you’re not already using vinegar in your base solution, consider adding it as an additional ingredient. Vinegar disrupts ants’ scent trails and serves as an effective natural cleaner for wiping down surfaces.

This DIY ant bait recipe is a safe and effective way to deal with ant infestations indoors. Plus, by customizing it with your preferred ingredients, you’re making it uniquely yours!

What keeps ants away indoors?

Several natural remedies can help keep ants away indoors. Peppermint oil, vinegar, cinnamon, and lemon juice are known to deter ants due to their strong scents, which disrupt ants’ scent trails and communication. Additionally, sealing cracks and crevices, keeping surfaces clean, and storing food properly can help prevent ant infestations. Regularly wiping down surfaces with vinegar or lemon juice can also erase scent trails that ants follow. Finally, setting out ant bait stations with a mixture of sugar, Borax, and water can effectively eliminate ant colonies

How to get rid of ants inside the house?

To effectively get rid of ants inside the house, start by identifying and sealing entry points such as cracks and gaps. Then, use natural repellents like peppermint oil, vinegar, or cinnamon, which disrupt ants’ scent trails. Another approach is to create homemade ant bait using a mixture of sugar, Borax, and water, which the ants will carry back to their colony, effectively eliminating them. Additionally, keeping surfaces clean, storing food in airtight containers, and promptly fixing any water leaks can help deter ants. Regularly vacuuming and wiping down surfaces with vinegar can also remove ant trails and scent markings.

What smell keeps ants away?

Common household ingredients such as citrus fruits, black pepper, peppermint oil, cayenne, thyme, and lavender emit scents that ants find unpleasant. These natural odors disrupt ants’ communication and foraging trails, effectively deterring them from entering your home. To create your DIY ant repellent, combine these ingredients with water in a spray bottle and apply the solution around entry points and areas prone to ant activity. This eco-friendly method offers a safe alternative to chemical pesticides and traditional ant traps.

Do ants hate coffee grounds?

Utilizing coffee grounds for pest management is a strategy I highly recommend. Ants, in particular, have a strong aversion to them due to both the grounds’ texture and the acids they contain, which can harm their exoskeletons. To deter ants from entering your home, strategically place spent coffee grounds in a 2-inch-wide line around the foundation and entrances. Not only does this natural method keep ants at bay, but it also repurposes a common household item in an eco-friendly way.

Have more coffee grounds you want to use up? Find out what plants like coffee grounds and how to use them in the garden.

Did you use this ant repellent DIY indoor recipe? Tell me how it worked for you, in the comments.

Yield: 1 Ant Repellent Mix

Ant Repellent DIY Indoor Solution

ant repellent diy indoor recipe

This ant repellent DIY indoor recipe uses common household ingredients to get rid of ants in your home without using chemicals.

Prep Time 2 minutes


  • 1/2 cup of organic cane sugar
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of Borax
  • 1 1/2 cups of warm filtered water
  • Cotton balls
  • A shallow dish or lid


    In a mixing bowl, combine the organic cane sugar with the Borax. Stir the mixture well to ensure even distribution.

    Gradually pour the warm filtered water into the sugar and Borax mixture.

    Stir continuously until the sugar and Borax are completely dissolved in the water. Place the cotton balls or small squares of cloth into the mixture. Allow them to soak for a few minutes to absorb the solution fully.

    Remove the soaked cotton balls or cloth pieces from the mixture and squeeze out any excess liquid. Place them in a shallow dish or lid. Put the bait stations near areas where you’ve seen ant activity.

    Focus on entry points, along ant trails, or near nests if you can locate them.


  • Check the bait stations regularly and replace them with fresh ones as needed. Ants should be attracted to the sugary scent and carry the Borax-laden solution back to their colony, effectively eliminating them over time.
  • Safety Note: Keep the bait stations out of reach of children and pets. While Borax is relatively low in toxicity, it’s best to avoid direct contact or ingestion.
  • Nutrition Information:



    Serving Size:


    Amount Per Serving: Calories: 387Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 10mgCarbohydrates: 100gFiber: 0gSugar: 100gProtein: 0g
    The Hobby Wife

    The Hobby Wife

    Greenhouse and backyard gardener, devoted homemaker, and passionate recipe creator. My journey through life revolves around my unwavering love for food and travel. As a passionate cook, I blend my garden's bounty with culinary finesse and inspiration from my travels. From farm-to-table homestyle dishes to copycat recipes that offer something unique, my kitchen is a canvas where flavors harmonize and ingredients tell stories.

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