Do Succulents Die After Flowering? Monocarpic Guide

Some varieties of succulents produce beautiful blooms but you may be wondering, do succulents die after flowering? This guide shares information on what to expect from a flowering succulent as well as which succulent varieties die after flowering.

There are many health benefits of succulents but if you are new to growing them you may not know what to expect from the flowering varieties.

This comprehensive guide explains everything about these plants which range from monocarpic to polycarpic, including which succulent varieties die after flowering and which species will produce multiple flowers.

Do Succulents Die After Flowering

Monocarpic Plants

The term Monocarpic is a botanical term used to describe a plant that flowers and sets seed only once in its lifetime before it dies.

In other words, a monocarpic plant has a single reproductive episode in which it produces flowers, seeds, and fruits, and then it dies.

This is in contrast to polycarpic plants, which can flower and produce seeds multiple times throughout their lifespan.

The term “monocarpic” comes from the Greek words “mono” meaning single, and “karpos” meaning fruit.

A simple way to remember what Monocarpic succulent plants are is simply those that flower only once in their lifetime before they die. When referring to monocarpic plants, the answer to the question, do succulents die after flowering, would be yes.

The bloom time varies depending on the succulent species and temperature differences, but it usually occurs in late summer or early fall when warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight are available.

The good news is that not all succulents are monocarpic and some plants can live for a long time after producing flower buds.  

Health Benefits of Succulents

Monocarpic Succulent Varieties

If you are interested in growing your plant collection and want to include a variety of succulent plants that flower then die as well as those that flower multiple times, knowing more about the different families and varieties will help to make sure you have enough plants that bloom regularly.

Since Monocarpic succulents are those that bloom once in their lifetime and then die, you will want to know which varieties fall into this category.

Here are some types of monocarpic succulents:

Agave Americana

This is a large succulent that can grow up to 10 feet tall and produce a long flower stalk with yellow flowers at the end of its lifespan.

Not all species of Agave are monocarpic, more on that later.


Commonly known as “hens and chicks” Sempervivum is a flowering rosette-forming succulent that produces offsets or “chicks” around the base of the parent plant.

The parent plant will eventually die after flowering.


Aeonium is a rosette-forming succulent that produces a tall flower stalk with small yellow or white flowers before dying.

While some do die after flowering, not all aeoniums are monocarpic.


Kalanchoe is a popular houseplant because it produces tiny colorful flowers.

While some varieties of Kalanchoe die off after blooming, some will live a long life after blooming as they are not all monocarpic.

Echium Wildpretii

Echium Wildpretii is a monocarpic succulent that produces a tall flower stalk with pink flowers at the end of its lifespan.

Although these succulent varieties are monocarpic and will eventually die after flowering, they can produce offsets or “pups” before they die that can be used to propagate new plants.

An important thing to remember: When choosing which mother plant to use for propagating succulents, the best way to do this is to choose a healthy plant. Avoid stressful changes for your blooming succulents in late Winter and plan your succulent’s care according to the different times of the year.

When working with indoor plants, it is best to do this during the early Spring, late Spring, or early Summer using sharp pruning scissors and replanting in well-drained soil.

Since a succulent starts to go dormant in the Winter months and even as early as Fall, it is best to practice different care during different seasons.

The right conditions are most important for these indoor plants. Make sure indoor succulents get a lot of light, a southern window may be best. Also, be sure that they have good drainage to encourage new leaves and flowers.

Do Succulents Die After Flowering

Polycarpic Succulent Varieties

Polycarpic succulent plants can produce blooms and set seeds multiple times throughout their lifespan.

Similar to perennial plants but unlike monocarpic succulents, which flower only once and then die, polycarpic succulents have the ability to flower and set seeds multiple times.

This allows the parent plant to continue to survive and produce new offspring.

Polycarpic succulents generally require less maintenance than monocarpic plants because they do not need to put all their energy into a single bloom of death.

However, they still require proper care and maintenance to thrive and continue producing beautiful flowers year after year.

This includes providing adequate sunlight, well-draining soil, and proper watering according to the specific needs of the plant species.

When referring to polycarpic plants, the answer to the question, do succulents die after flowering, would be no.

How to Tell If Aloe Needs Water

Polycarpic Succulent Plant Varietes

Here are many polycarpic succulent varieties that can be grown indoors or outdoors, some of which are the following types of succulents.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera produces offsets or “pups” from the base of the plant that can grow into new mature plants.


Dasylirion is a succulent with long, narrow leaves that produces a tall flower stalk with cream-colored flowers.


Echeveria is a rosette-forming succulent that can produce multiple blooms and offsets over its lifespan.


Haworthia is a slow-growing, clump-forming succulent that produces offsets or “pups” that can be used to propagate new plants.

Jade plant

The Jade plant is a popular houseplant that can grow into a small tree and produce multiple blooms and new growth over many years.

Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus is a popular holiday houseplant that can produce beautiful flowers annually with proper care and maintenance.


While there are many different species of this flowering succulent, you may know them by their common name, the paddle plant.

This is a succulent that can produce multiple flowers and new growth from the base of the plant over many years.


Yucca is a succulent with spiky leaves that produces a tall flower stalk with white or cream-colored flowers.

Although the flowering stalk dies after blooming, this does not mean certain death for the entire plant.

These are just a few examples of polycarpic succulent varieties. There are many more species and cultivars that can be grown as indoor or outdoor plants.

The key to maintaining healthy polycarpic succulents is providing them with the right growing conditions and proper care, including adequate sunlight, well-draining soil, and regular watering according to their specific needs.

Do Succulents Die After Flowering

Do Succulents Die After Flowering?

Not all varieties! With the right succulent care and conditions, many succulents flower, and not all succulents die after flowering, but some do.

It depends on the specific species of succulent.

Succulents are fascinating plants that come in many different varieties, shapes, and sizes. They are known for their thick, fleshy leaves, which store water and allow them to survive in dry climates. Some succulent flowers emerge from the center of the plant while others produce flowers from the whole plant.

One question that succulent growers often ask is, do succulents die after flowering? The answer is that it depends on the succulent species, as some are monocarpic, while others are polycarpic.

When a succulent blooms, it is a natural process that occurs when the plant has enough energy and resources to produce a bloom.

The flowering succulent requires enough light, water, and nutrients to support the hormonal changes that occur in the plant.

If the succulent has enough energy, it will produce beautiful flowers in different colors and shapes, such as yellow, white, or pink.

What is a Succulent Death Bloom?

The bloom of death, also known as “death bloom succulents,” or the “succulent death bloom” occurs when monocarpic succulents set seed for the first time.

The succulent species puts all its energy into seed production, which leaves the plant with little energy to survive.

The plant then dies, and new plants, also called “baby plants,” grow from the base of the main plant or along the stem.

Do Succulents Die After Flowering

Agave Varieties

Agave is a genus of succulent plants that is native to the Americas. The genus contains over 200 species, each with its own unique characteristics and features.

Most species of Agave plants produce a bloom stalk that emerges from the center of the rosette.

The flowering of some species of agaves is a rare and spectacular event, often occurring only once in the plant’s lifetime, which can be several decades long.

  • Agave americana, also known as the century plant or American agave, is a species of agave that is native to Mexico but has been widely cultivated in many other parts of the world. Agave americana has distinctive blue-green leaves that are edged with sharp spines, while other species of agave may have different leaf colors, shapes, and textures.
  • Agave attenuata: This variety, also known as the foxtail agave, is known for its smooth, curving leaves that form a rosette shape. It is native to Mexico and is a popular landscaping plant due to its striking appearance.
  • Agave parryi: This species of agave is native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. It has gray-blue leaves with sharp spines and a compact, rounded shape. It is often used in xeriscaping and rock gardens.
  • Agave victoriae-reginae: This agave also known as Queen Victoria Agave is known for its striking white stripes that run along the edges of its leaves. It is native to northeastern Mexico and is a slow-growing species that can take many years to reach maturity.
  • Agave tequilana: This is the species of agave used to make tequila. It is native to Mexico and has long, spiky leaves that grow in a rosette shape. It can grow up to 8 feet tall and is a popular ornamental plant as well as a valuable crop.
  • Agave sisalana: Also known as sisal, this species of agave is native to Mexico and is known for its long, fibrous leaves that are used to make twine and rope. It is a fast-growing species that can reach up to 6 feet tall.

After certain species of agave produce their single flower stalk and blooms, the plant will usually die.

However, some agave species are monocarpic, which means they die after flowering, while others can produce multiple flowering stalks and continue to live.

How to Tell If Aloe Needs Water

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The Hobby Wife

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