How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats on Houseplants

This post will help you figure out how to get rid of fungus gnats on houseplants and how to prevent them from coming back.

Are Fungus Gnats Bad for Plants?

Yes, gnats can be bad for plants, especially in large numbers. Adult gnats are not harmful to plants, but their larvae can damage plant roots although the adult population is usually a nuisance to plant lovers.

Gnats are attracted to moist soil and organic matter, so they are often found in potting soil. The larvae feed on the roots of plants, which can stunt growth and even kill the plant. 

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent a fungus gnat problem from infesting your plants.

The first thing to address is your watering habits. The most effective way to prevent these strong flyers from invading your plants is to water plants less frequently and avoid damp soil.

Allow the top inch of the soil surface to dry out between waterings. Feel the surface of the soil before adding more water. 

Use a potting mix that is well-draining to avoid excess water at the top of the soil. Use pots with a drainage hole so they will retain less water and prevent wet soil from becoming a breeding ground.

You could also add Peat moss as it helps to increase the aeration of the soil, which can help to improve the availability of oxygen to plant roots and prevent too much moisture at the base of your plants.

Be sure to keep your plants clean and free of organic debris. You could also place yellow sticky traps near your plants or use biological control, such as beneficial nematodes, to kill the larvae.

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What are Fungus Gnats?

Fungus Gnats are small, insects with clear wings that are often a nuisance in homes and gardens. They are attracted to moist areas and thrive at room temperature.

They can usually be found in moist areas such as potting soil, garbage, and food scraps.

Gnats can be a problem for both humans and plants in small numbers as well as large.

Fungus gnat larvae can damage root hairs, which can stunt the growth of plants.

What Are Fungus Gnat Eggs?

Fungus gnat eggs are small, white, and oval-shaped. They are about 1/16 inch long and are difficult to see with the naked eye. Fungus gnat eggs are laid in moist soil, and they hatch within a few days.

The larvae of fungus gnats are white, legless, and about 1/4 inch long.

They feed on organic matter in the soil, and they can damage plant roots. In the larval stage, the larvae pupate in the top few inches of soil, and adults emerge within a few days.

Adult fungus gnats are small, dark flies that are about 1/8 inch long. 

They have long legs and antennae, and their wings are clear. Larvae are white, legless, and about 1/4 inch long. They can usually be found in the top layer of soil.

fungus gnats

Are Fruit Flies and Gnats the Same?

No, fruit flies and gnats are not the same. They are both small flying insects, but they are from different families. Fruit flies belong to the Drosophilidae family, while gnats belong to the Sciaridae family.

Fruit flies are attracted to ripe fruit and vegetables, while gnats are attracted to moist soil and organic material.

Fruit flies are also slightly larger than gnats, with a body length of about 1/8 inch, compared to gnats, which have a body length of about 1/16 inch.

For humans, gnats can be a nuisance because they are attracted to light and can swarm around people. They can also be a health hazard because they can carry diseases, such as the eye worm.

For plants, gnats can be a problem because their larvae can feed on plant roots. This can damage the roots and stunt the growth of the plant. In severe cases, gnat infestations can even kill plants.

How to Tell if You Have Fungus Gnats

Here are some signs that you may have a fungus gnat infestation:

You will notice small clear flies with a black head buzzing around your plants. Most likely flying in a zig-zag pattern and always staying pretty close to the plant.

You will also probably notice the signs of these flies by yellowing or wilting leaves on your plant.

You may also notice stunted growth of your plant when these fungus gnats are lurking.

If you see any of these signs, it’s important to take action to get rid of the fungus gnats as soon as possible.

What is the Life Cycle of Fungus Gnats?

The life cycle of fungus gnats is as follows:

Adults lay their eggs in moist soil, then the eggs hatch into larvae. Larvae are white or clear worms that live in the soil. The larvae then feed on organic matter in the soil and can damage plant roots.

They can damage root hairs, which can stunt the growth of plants. They can also transmit fungal diseases to plants.

The larvae pupate into adults and the adults emerge from the soil and start the cycle all over again.

Fungus gnat adults are not harmful to plants, but they can be a nuisance. They swarm around plants and can be annoying to humans. New plants are more likely to be infested with fungus gnats than older plants.

This is because new plants have a shallow root system, which makes them easier for the larvae to reach. If you have a new plant that has been infested with fungus gnats, it is important to take steps to get rid of them as soon as possible.

What are Beneficial Insects or Beneficial Nematodes?

Beneficial nematodes are tiny roundworms that can be used to control a variety of pests, including fungus gnats, thrips, and root-knot nematodes.

They are safe to use around plants and pets, and they are very effective at killing pests. This is one of my favorite natural methods to control the gnat population in my garden and prevent as much damage from these pests as possible.

I first learned about this method at my local garden center when the lady gave me some pointers for getting rid of gnats that didn’t seem to work.

She said if all else fails, try these and handed me a plastic bag with tiny roundworms. To my surprise, it worked and this is now one of my favorite methods to remedy this problem. 

Steinernema feltiae is a type of beneficial nematode that can be used to control fungus gnats. Beneficial nematodes are microscopic worms that are safe to use around plants and pets.

They are very effective at killing fungus gnat larvae.

I like to use beneficial nematodes because they are a natural and sustainable way to control pests. They are also easy to apply, and they are safe for my plants and pets. This works for houseplant pests as well but it may not be a good idea for those who are squeamish around these types of critters.

Although most plant lovers are probably used to these types of things from digging in the dirt and those that are sick of the small flies in their house may want to try this method since it is one of the best ways to stop your plant from being a breeding ground for pests.

By following these tips, you can help to prevent gnats from infesting your plants, damaging your plants’ roots, and avoiding root rot.

fungus gnats

How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats

If you already have a gnat infestation, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them:

  • Remove the top layer of plant soil and replace it with new, dry soil.
  • You may need to repot your plants, removing as much of the old soil as possible.
  • Water your plants with a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water.
  • Apply a neem oil spray with a spray bottle to the leaves of your plants.
  • Place yellow sticky paper traps near your plants.
  • Use a biological control, such as beneficial nematodes, to kill the larvae.
  • Natural fungicide mosquito bits can be used as a natural fungicide. 
  • If you have a lot of gnats, you can try using a vacuum cleaner to suck them up.
  • You can also try placing a small saucer of apple cider vinegar near your plants. The tiny insects will be attracted to the vinegar and will drown in it.
  • If you have an outdoor garden, you can try planting marigolds near your plants. Marigolds are known to repel gnats and tiny mosquitoes.
  • Potato slices can be used as a trap for fungus gnats. Cut a raw potato in half and place it in a shallow container. Fill the container with water and add a few drops of dish soap. The soap will break the surface tension of the water, which will make it easier for the gnats to drown. This is great if you are looking for natural ways to remedy this problem. 

Combining Different Methods

For best results, you should combine several methods to get rid of fungus gnats. For example, you could use yellow sticky traps, apple cider vinegar traps, and mosquito dunks.

You could also use diatomaceous earth and beneficial nematodes.

By combining several methods, you can quickly and effectively eliminate your fungus gnat infestation.

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How to Prevent Fungus Gnats in Indoor Plants

The best way to prevent fungus gnats is to avoid overwatering your plants. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.

You should also make sure that your plants have good drainage. If your plants are in pots, make sure that they have drainage holes.

Avoiding moist conditions to prevent the problem from happening in the first place is a great way to protect young plants. 

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